INVpack Blog

An unforgettable experience with INVpack at Hispack 2024!

Written by INVpack | May 22, 2024 11:58:28 AM

From May 7 to 10, INVpack was in Barcelona for the Hispack 2024 trade show. INVpack was expositor in the Barcelona Packaging Hub context, because there was a joint iniciative. Barcelona Packaging Hub members exposed all together forming an wide space as an association.

INVpack was able to present our machines for packaging single-dose products in stick pack format. The BY3 EVO and SP6 machines offer complete, adaptable solutions for stick pack packaging. INVpack's sales and technical team were able to meet new customers and explain the efficiency and process quality of our stick pack machines.


In addition to presenting our machines at our stand, we also took part in the Hispack conferences:

First of all, the VP & General Manager Miguel Angel Romera, made an introduction and gave a warm welcome to the Mexican assistants, and he meet also the Mexican consul in Spain.

Also, our Marketing Manager, Mariona Pasqual, gave a conference about a success stories in the program “best cases”. In this case she explained a project developed for a Spanish client, Promerca.

Here you can see the teaser (in Spanish) recorded to promote this conference.

This was an opportunity to keep abreast of the latest developments in the packaging industry and to meet other professionals.

Another way to interact and meet with other packaging professionals was during the party organized by Barcelona Packaging Hub. On Thursday, after the show all the Barcelona Packaging members and friends could enjoy an evening together, sharing experiences and anecdotes about different experiences and how they felt about the show.

Hispack 2024 was a great success for INVpack. We were able to strengthen our relationships, meet new customers and promote our know-how internationally.